Dear Catherine, My husband and I are the parents of a three-year-old girl who has brought us amazing joy. She was a “surprise baby” and we would like for her to have a sibling sooner rather than later. We know we would be thrilled if I happened to become pregnant.… [Read More]
Life Advice
For four years, Catherine was the Life Advice columnist for Alternatives Magazine, a quarterly journal widely distributed throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Spring 2006
Dear Catherine, My husband died five years ago. Though I am no longer in what I would call a state of grief, I find that any strong sense of meaning has disappeared from my life. This week in particular I am noticing that, although I have signed up for three… [Read More]
Summer 2006
Dear Catherine, Joseph Campbell says, “Follow your bliss,” but this can render you broke. It seems to be a choice to follow your bliss, heart, truth, etc., or follow dollars, security, and a comfy old age. If I were to do what I really enjoyed, I would be a Japanese… [Read More]
Fall 2006
Dear Catherine, Since my divorce of a few years ago, I have been living in a state of inner peace. Recently, however, I began dating again after meeting a man who is fun and loving but has an eye for ladies and flirts with others at parties. He says that… [Read More]
Winter 2006
Dear Catherine, For the last two years I have thrown myself into my work to distract myself from obsessing about the end of my marriage. However, I now find myself obsessed with my work! I’ve become very successful, but I’m now so completely invested in my work that it’s difficult… [Read More]
Spring 2007
Dear Catherine, I’m in my early thirties, and I am intelligent and creative in certain ways. I have always had a hard time finding work that I enjoy or even knowing what I want to do. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which has really been a… [Read More]